Club Days
Visitors are welcome to join in on any of our club days, see the various options below! Which one suits you?
Known as Vets but anyone can play:
Tee off 9.30am (summer), 10am (winter)
Contact Michael
027 474 8242
Twilight - play the top eleven holes, visitors welcome!
11 hole tee off between 4.30pm & 5.15pm during summer daylight saving.
Contact Tina
06 370 9265
Elevenses - mixed competition playing eleven holes
Tee off at midday
Contact Nigel
06 216 2825
9-holers Wednesday and Saturday:
All members & visitors welcome.
Tee off Wednesday and Saturday at 10.00am
Contact Terry
027 699 4901
Club Day
Visitors welcome!
18 hole tee off 12.30pm in summer (daylight saving), and 12.00pm in winter.
Contact Bill 021 262 4519